Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Hye viewers.
As you can see, this is our first choice of wearing hijab. We only use square shape scarf as we believe that many of people out there have it but only know to wear it in one style. Now, we bring to you another way to wear it. Have a try!!

1. Grab your square shape scarf and fold it into half. Then, pin it with one side is longer than another one.
2. Then, take the end of the longer side and bring it on your head. Tighten it and pin it. See the picture.
3. This is how it's looks like after you pin it.
4. This is the back view of your new style.
5. To make it looks nicer, put another pin on the shoulder as in the fifth picture so that your hijab will not blown away.
6.Done! Try it as it only takes a few minutes. Wearing hijab is easy!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Dear viewers.
We created this blog because of our passion to try the style of wearing hijab in a simple way but actually trendy. As we can see nowadays, there's a lot of style of wearing hijab but we thing that not all of the styles are suitable and easy to wear to most of the people. Hence, we take this initiative to show you some styles of wearing hijab in a simple way but you can still looks elegant and trendy. Have a view on some of them and try them out. All of our styles are easy to wear and absolutely they are suitable to wear in any function. 

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